First Pattern Collection

So…I made my first pattern collection!

While taking the Immersion course with Bonnie Christine, I was creating the motifs for a collection. By the end of the course I was able to put all of my newly acquired skills together to complete an entire pattern collection. This is a big deal for me!

During the past year I have been creating my own patterns using my original watercolour motifs and then trying to put them together using my skills in Photoshop. But Photoshop does not hold a candle to Illustrator when it comes to creating a pattern. So it was high time to learn Adobe Illustrator and that is what I did.

I named my collection Leaping Forward as we were on the verge of spring as I took the Immersion course and it was a nod to my decision to leap into a new adventure.

cinback_Portfolio MockUp.jpg

A collection consists of two hero prints…

Bird in Paradise

Bird in Paradise

Royal Lotus

Royal Lotus

Then there are a variety of blender prints and coordinates…

Dripping Down & Backyard Bunnies

Dripping Down & Backyard Bunnies

Field Flowers & Scratchy Grass

Field Flowers & Scratchy Grass

Little Minis & Picnic in the Park

Little Minis & Picnic in the Park

Sketchy Blooms & Budding Blooms

Sketchy Blooms & Budding Blooms

Looking back I have so much to learn, but looking forward…I am ready to leap!