Storing My Project Life Traveler's Notebooks for 2018

In recent years, the Project Life format for documenting one’s life has morphed from a variety of pocket page sizes to traveler’s notebooks. More and more, scrapbookers are turning to the traveler’s notebook format to tell the stories of their lives in pictures and words. This leaves the question of how to gather and store a collection of these notebooks.

My solution was to create book covers from vintage books to house the monthly notebooks that I filled in 2018. Take a look below…

I can imagine not only my own family flipping through these books for years to come, but hopefully future generations as well. Each of my notebooks is going to be protected by these lovely covers and make an attractive display on the shelf.

If you are interested, check out the book covers currently in my Etsy shop called rePaperedShop.

How are you storing your traveler’s notebooks?

How are you storing your traveler’s notebooks?

3 Ways I Plan to Document in 2019

The excitement of a new year is heightened with all the plans to be made!

I just love how everywhere I look people are declaring their goals, insights, changes, and ways to make their lives richer. My life is pretty fulfilling and yet I have been making plans too! There is just something about the opportunity for a fresh start.


Of course, I will be documenting my way through 2019. In 2018 I almost exclusively used a Traveler’s Notebook format for all my scrapbooking and enjoyed it very much. However, I found that I did not always fill a notebook for each month and yet I felt I should be. I mean, who wants to waste all that lovely space in a notebook, right? So I am making a few changes for 2019 and thought I would share with you the 3 ways I plan to document my life this year:

  1. Traveler’s Notebook

    Ok, so I did say that I did not fill a notebook every month last year, but that does not mean that I am abandoning this format altogether! I still really enjoy this format and treat it much like I would a traditional 12x12 page layout. I cannot give up the hands on cutting and pasting and moving bits of paper and photos around! The traveller’s notebook is staying but I am refining it’s purpose a bit (as you will see below).

  2. Pocket Pages

    I have worked in pocket pages in the past, so this is not a new format to me. However, as of late, I had abandoned this method of documentation and replaced it with the Traveler’s Notebooks. But something has been missing for me. I enjoyed creating pocket pages in the past and have a strong desire to use them again. So, the plan is that I will document the everyday goings on of my life (the shorter stories) in pocket pages and then use the Traveler’s Notebooks for the longer stories.

  3. Planner / Bullet Journal / Bujo

Once again, I have attempted this format in the past, but failed miserably. I did learn a lot though, and spent a considerable amount time researching the different methods and techniques that one can use (they are endless!). One of the things that tripped me up last time was that I chose a formula and felt that I should stick with it all year (type A personality here). I got bored. So this time I am going to be more flexible.

I designed the first few pages of the planner (cover shown above) just to get January started and then left the last half of the notebook blank so that I can play around with what and how I want to document. This is exciting to me. I am going to build it as the year unfolds. I will try different formats and formulas to see which ones I like and do not like and which ones to continue the next month (or let go). If it takes me all the way to December before I can say that I am happy with what I created, then so be it! I will have explored and learned so much along the way.

So here we go!

What are your plans for 2019? How will you be documenting? Please let me know in the Comments below as I am still looking for new ideas!

rePapered Shop Stamp

For some time I have wanted to make a custom stamp for my shop products. The trick was that I wanted to create it using my own handwriting!

So, I set out to do some research on creating my own font. It is a complicated process for sure, but after reading about my options and the various processes I felt it was definitely achievable.

In the end I decided to create my font through Calligraphr. I chose the free version and therefore it had some limitations, but I just wanted to get started so I went with it. Their process is fairly simple…download their template, write your letters, scan or photograph the template and upload it to the Calligraphr site. Then they do the work of creating it into a font for you - and it only took a couple of days!

With the font created I could now make a stamp. First I typed out the lettering I wanted and in my desired size. Then I went to Staples and ordered a rubber stamp with my custom design. This was the longer wait but in two weeks I was able to pick up my finished stamp.

And of course I love it!

Now, the plan is to stamp all the products that go into my shop as a reference and to identify my shop link. I am so excited to have taken this next step in moving my shop forward. And a great big thank you to all of you who have supported me through this process already!


Begin Again

It is said that one must fail in order to succeed.

As I started the process of building a new website and new branding around my Etsy shop I found myself failing over and over again. It can be discouraging and there were many times I questioned whether this was all worth it. But I chose to push through because I realized that no matter how many times I fail I can always begin again.

With the promise of starting over and doing it better I realized three truths:

  1. I can learn

    Each time I hit a roadblock I had to make a choice to either quit or learn how to do it better. This forced me to pursue what I was attempting to do and find a way through it. Sometimes it meant watching a YouTube process video. Sometimes I had to consult with the website support team. Sometimes I had to do some extensive research into how others were doing it. Whatever the case, I had the opportunity to begin again and learn how to do it better.

  2. I can discover who I am and who I am not

    There are so many unwritten (and written) ‘rules’ around blogging and SEO and marketing that it becomes overwhelming. In trying to follow the ‘rules’ I sometimes found that the rule didn’t fit me. I had to decide if I was making a decision based on someone else’s rules or based on what works for me. Was I going to let others dictate my online space or was I going to find my own niche? Choosing to begin again allowed me to discover what I wanted out of this, not some unknown person who writes the ‘rules’.

  3. I can improve over time

The most freeing realization in all of this was the notion that I don’t have to get it right the first time and that I don’t have to know all the answers. This lifted an enormous amount of pressure from my shoulders! If I don’t get it right today, I can work on it over time and make it into what I want it to be. As they say, Rome wasn’t built in a day. And neither is any good thing. Knowing I could begin again freed me up to just start even if it wasn’t perfect because I am a work in progress.

So I write to encourage you today. Do you find yourself at a crossroads? Is life feeling difficult? Have you straight up failed? Is there something you have walked away from because you feel you have failed?

I urge you not to quit. But rather take up the opportunity to begin again.

And you will succeed.

Album Flip Through | Last Days of Summer 2018

I finally started a YouTube channel. I’ll admit it has taken me a while to get started.

So to cut to the chase, I have recorded a video walkthrough of the little mini book I created from the Marcy Penner Mini Book Workshop offered through Studio Calico. It’s raw. It’s long. The fighting is not stellar. But I will get better at doing them, and it’s a start right?

So enjoy!

Thanks for watching!

And I would love to hear your thoughts in the Comments below…

Tapping Into the Power of Quotes

Quotes are powerful.

The other day I was feeling sluggish and grumpy. Often in this state I will resort to scrolling through Instagram (raise your hand if you can relate). Suddenly Letterfolk popped up in my feed declaring, I am into fitness. Fit'ness taco in my mouth. I laughed out of those great big belly laughs. Needless to say it kicked my grumpiness to the curb. Bam!

Has this ever happened to you? 

Let's face it, life gets tough sometimes. Perhaps it is time to tap into the power of quotes.

For Guidance

Things may not be going your way or maybe just not how you expected. You need guidance to take that next step. Quotes have the power to help you be bold, courageous and determined.

For Motivation

Or maybe you are working towards a goal and you've lost sight of the end. It feels hard and you need motivation to keep going. The right quote in that moment has the power to help you push through and overcome the doubt or to remind you of how great you are.

For Inspiration  

Perhaps you are in a rut. There is a big deadline looming and you are at a loss. You need inspiration to help generate great ideas. Looking up to find a quote on the wall has the power to help you be inspired and see the possibilities once again.

For Joy  

Possibly you are feeling sluggish like I was. For no particular reason. You may need a shot of joy to feel good. With a little quote in front of you it has the power to help you smile or even laugh and remind you that things are going to be just fine.


Are you in need of a quote today? Or maybe a friend comes to mind who needs encouragement. Maybe you want to hang some inspiration on your office wall to help generate ideas. Or simply to make you feel good.

Whatever the reason, I encourage you to tap into the power of a meaningful quote.

Check out the latest instant downloads at rePaperedShop.

3 Reasons to Be Afraid and Do It Anyway

Fear is the greatest roadblock to creativity. 

It is human nature to be fearful of new situations. Whether it is fear of failure, fear of not being perfect or fear of the unknown, we must overcome these fears if we want to create.

1. Fear of Failure

If I'm being honest I'd have to admit that I am a bit of a control freak. No matter the situation I am always thinking ahead of what could go wrong and what needs to be in place in order to prevent the inevitable mishaps - to a fault actually (insert rolling eyes emoji). Because of this, I am sometimes paralyzed to move forward. Typically, I want to have everything figured out before I take the first step so that there is no room for failure.

So when it came to starting up rePaperedShop, it took me quite some time to get the ball rolling. I filled notebook after notebook with research, pitfalls to avoid and red flag items  needing to be ironed out before I would start. I became bogged down with all the things that could go wrong. I kept telling myself, 'Okay I'll start at the first of next month...' and then way too many months went by. I was a little afraid to move forward.

Finally I had to confront myself  (yes, I do talk to myself) and say 'Come on girl! Get it together and just do it!' It will be what it will be and you can work through it. But if you never start, you will never know what could have been. And if it fails, then it was never meant to be.

I was afraid but I had to do it anyway.

2. Fear of The Unknown

When I finally convinced myself to just open shop I suddenly realized what it takes to engage in the ecommerce world. I needed product photos (in natural light of course) with interesting sets and alluring descriptions. I needed pricing for my items and estimates for shipping. I needed strategies for marketing and packaging. I needed a positive online presence and a positive attitude. And I knew nothing about any of this. I was a little afraid to move forward.

Eventually (after talking myself down off the cliff) I decided to cut myself some slack. I don't have to have it all figure out. I can learn as I go. I made a plan to attack one new feature at a time and solve that one before moving on to the next. When I didn't know how to estimate my shipping costs, I started by uploading an approximate number, and then as I took each order to the post office and realized the actual cost I was able to slowly refine my pricing for shipping. Now, I am not out of pocket and my customers are getting the most fair and accurate shipping costs.

I was afraid but I had to do it anyway.

3. Fear of Not Being Perfect

Along with being a control freak, I am also a perfectionist. I wanted to get it right. The first time. But as I started my investigation into what it takes to kick off an online shop I became paralyzed. Should I do it this way, or that? Which is better? What if I choose the wrong one? What if I change my mind? What if I don't like it afterward? What if no one likes it? I was a little afraid to move forward.

After making myself crazy contemplating all the options, I finally came to an important realization...I don't have to have it all figured out on Day 1. I can make adjustments and add features down the road. If I try one avenue and I don't like it or it doesn't work out, I can change it. I just needed to start and so I put a few rudimentary things in place and hit Publish. And you know what? The world did not come crashing down!

I was afraid but I had to do it anyway.

But the greatest tragedy is having fear of taking the first step and never doing it...

Fear is an emotion that doesn't have to rule you. By facing my fears I was able to move past them. I was able to see a way out and talk myself through it - and usually, the reality of the situation is not as great as the feeling of fear itself. Having a plan for my next steps and just moving forward allowed me to realize my goal of opening my Etsy shop. It is not perfect and I still have so much to learn and adjust as I go, but I was determined to not let fear prevent me from achieving my creative dream.

And you can too!

Seattle 2015 Travel Journal

This was one of the first travel books that I ever made. I ended up with quite a few shares on Pinterest over on my previous blog SeriousPlay. I guess that may have been my first inclination that others may also enjoy my books and what I create. 

So I am sharing this travel journal as my first  project here on the new website. Seems fitting.

Click through the gallery below to view the entire travel album...

Welcome to My New Home

I have made the jump over here after being on my Serious Play blog for almost 10 years!

I am still working a few things out, so be patient with me but I'm so glad you are visiting my new website. I have big plans for this website, so come back for another visit soon!

To explore a little more, click on the navigation 'hamburger' to see more categories.             (I told you this website is a work in progress)